मंगळवार, ३० जानेवारी, २०२४


Im ashamed of my wrongdoings..but that doesn’t mean I never loved you..but my wrongs beat my good deeds..I know I have to remain silent to prove my love..I will..I will remain silent and see with my open eyes my heart being broken..

I am a human being like anybody else who has all the emotions like anybody else.. I can love I can envy I can be jealous I can be angry I can hate like common man.. I was born in lower caste doesnt mean I am the only person in the world possessing  some bad qualities..every body has his good qualities and bad qualities. Being mahar I cant be differentiated from rest of human race..But you made me responsible for all the wrongs caused to you by me..I take all that responsibility and will remain silent forever..so that you can say He is a man like anybody else..

Real love doesnt crave to be appreciated to be understood to be considered..I will remain silent and you will sense that I love you.. thats the responsibility you have placed on my shoulder..I accept this onus..I accept this challenge..

Your parents are experienced people who have seen the world more than what you and me have seen.Their opinions may be right about Mahar community but they dont know we mahars are the most honest people in our country..we never betray our dear ones..we fight  upto last inch for the sake of honesty..This the quality of us which makes us bad people..Today in your eyes Im the most dishonest person..bad person.. let it be..The day may come or may not come when you realise my real worth ,on that day I will be Mahar and only mahar..

Thank you 

कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा


 जय भिम  मंडळी बाबासाहेबांची जयंती उत्सव जवळ येत आहे तसे भिम सैनिकांचा उत्साह वाढत आहे. मानवमुक्तीच्या महालढ्यामध्ये बाबासाहेबां सारख्या महा...